お家でうさと展+ Usaato +α exhibit at my house

I and my friends had USAATO EXHIBIT and more.
QOI : only use natural material for incense.
Birdy is a creator of natural incense.
She made them by her hands. She selected and corrected materials from nature. Her incense's smell make me back to nature. during this exhibit, she opened a workshop on how to make a simple incense. Everyone is overjoyed

Motoi's Selected Crystals and Jewelry She showed and sale her beautiful corrections. Natural stone jewelry, like Moldavite neckle, Aqua aura, Herkimer diamond.
Men's Ebony jacket
It is great for formal but for casual, too.
USAATO is good for bear Sage,too
デッキのくつろぎ場でのんびりしていただき、ランチには大人気のOh!Mammy 薬膳カレーを提供いたしました♬ デザートは、手作り杏仁豆腐と茗荷まんじゅうを付けて♪
Next Usaato exhibit at my house will open on September 19,20,21 from noon to 5pm. Look forward to it!!