Usaato Exhibits in New Zealand.
An Usaato clothes exhibition and sale will be held in New Zealand in March 8th & 9th 2020. It is the first time in New Zealand. Now, San...

Usaato Exhibits in New Zealand.
An Usaato clothes exhibition and sale will be held in New Zealand in March 8th & 9th 2020. It is the first time in New Zealand. Now, ...

March 21st Pop-up USAATO is coming!
First Usaato pop-up in NYC is coming on March 21 Saturday @ CRS. 1pm to 5pm 123 4th Ave 2FL , NYC upstairs of Think cafe. 2 blocks from...

Beautiful whirling dance with Usaburo's dress.
一年前の動画です。 New YorkのハーレムにあるUnited Palaceにて、Bella Gaia のショーが行われました。 旋回舞踏のダンサーは、Lale Sayokoさん。 さとう うさぶろう氏デザインのドレスで舞われました。 ...

BELLA GAIA @ United Palace in NYC 2019,2,2
bella Gaia Plays with NASA's Film. Lale Sayoko William was whirling with Usaburo's design white dress . The music was played with Kenji...