Usaato Exhibits in New Zealand.
An Usaato clothes exhibition and sale will be held in New Zealand in March 8th & 9th 2020. It is the first time in New Zealand. Now, San...

Usaato Exhibits in New Zealand.
An Usaato clothes exhibition and sale will be held in New Zealand in March 8th & 9th 2020. It is the first time in New Zealand. Now, ...

Clothes to balance the spirit and the physical body
If humans don’t live side by side with nature, Our human being won’t be able to survive. When I wondered what I could do, I arrived to...

Usaato's dress was whirling
February 2 ,2019 @ UNITED PALACE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvv70KTZDyQ ニューヨークManhattan にて、Unity earth の世界平和のイベントが催されました。 ...

Usaato Exhibition on March
Happy New Year to Everyone who visit to this blog. Thank you for coming!! 明けましておめでとうございます。皆様に幸多い2019年でありますように。 Usaato New York...